The Mirror Of Ice

The latest published book



«All those instants of risk and extraordinary lucidity, of indelible emotion, light up in my head like ice crystals surprised by the light of dawn when I remember them. And that is, at the end of the path, the true treasure: the immortal capacity of reliving, over and over again, the last splendor of your voyage, the summit beyond the summit».

The Mirror of Ice is a story built from unforgettable and intimate moments of the explorer and mountaineer Chus Lago. Some have come from the childhood of the protagonist, others from the end of a lifetime of adventures. It’s the depth of a journey when you strip it of the challenge and extract the extraordinary.

In one moment you can go from being on top of the Pamirs and in the next paragraph on Baffin Island, in the skin of an Inuit or that of legendary polar explorers or even astronauts. This story is a walk through the ice of the north and south of the Earth, the lived ones and also the ice that others wrote about, passing through a Kathmandu cafe on the way to the high mountains.


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Telediario TVE

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El Correo

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Cadena SER Programa Ser Aventureros

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Diario de Pontevedra

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Canal 24h TVE

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Atlántico Diario

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A precious love story of ice, snow, and great white spaces… A caress for the spirit.

– Ramón Portilla


The Mirror of Ice is a book that wins hearts; it is a beautiful book. It is difficult to generate such a feeling when writing about oneself, but Chus pulls it off.

Jorge M. Mier

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